New Zombie Makeup Site
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This site was never really designed for zombie makeup tutorials, but somehow it became that.
In fact this site was never really designed :-D
So in honour of Halloween 2006, I am just finishing transferring the tutorials, and
creating a whole range of new ones, gelatin and all on ZombieMaker,
my new Zombie Costume Site
Official Toronto Zombie Walk 2006 - The Original gathering of the Zombie hordes
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Once again the less-than-alive are ready to take over Toronto in the Official Toronto Zombie Walk, taking place this October 22nd. If you have come here for info on the Toronto 2006 Zombiewalk, please go to the new Toronto Zombiewalk Website,, for flyers, maps, details, photos and more.
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Official Toronto Zombie Walk 2005 - Zombies Set to re-Invade Riverdale
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The Official Toronto Zombie Walk is taking place this October 23rd. If you have come here for info on the Toronto 2005 Zombiewalk, please go to the new Toronto Zombiewalk Website,, for flyers, maps, details, photos and more.
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ZombieWalk News - Vancouver 2005
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No news as yet on the Toronto 2005 Zombie Walk, but for those of you westwards,
there undead will rise early this year.
This blog has details,
it will be Saturday, August 27 - starts 4pm from the VAG and 5pm from 15th and Sophia
(near Main St).
Obviously for your best costume tips, you want to look to my budget zombie costume page
I won't be going, still feeling a bit too dead to be undead, but watch this space...

Toronto 2004 - Zombies Invade Riverdale
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The day was foggy, the rain came down in a fine misty sheet.
Gathering at the gates of the Necropolis in Riverdale they stood. Or
hunched. Or rolled around in the flowerbeds.
Then they began to move...shufflingly they ambled through the streets,
moaning at passing cars, and trying to eat dogs.